

Walnut exports forecasted for the year 1999- 2000 is 15,000 tons. The figure is more than the previous year. Major export destinations, besides the EU, are Egypt and the United States. Most plantations are of seedling origin and are in scattered form, which produce nuts of variable quality.


Production area

Moist coniferous forests of the Eastern and Western Himalayas, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, hilly regions of North and South, the Eastern hills, Uttar Pradesh and Arunachal Pradesh are most suitable for the growth of walnut. Total area under walnut is 67053 hectares with annual production over 71758 metric tons.


Growth promotional activities

Given the high tariffs and strong domestic production, there are few opportunities for imports. India’s 2001/02 walnut production is forecast at 28,000 tons. Exports are expected to be around 14,000 tons. The current year (2000/01) export estimate has been raised 11 percent to 15,500 tons, based on strong demand from the EU and the United States (due to a smaller crop). Major export destinations during the Indian fiscal years 1999 and 2000 were Spain, Egypt, Germany, Netherlands, U.K., Greece, Italy, and the United States. There are no restrictions on walnut exports and no government export subsidies.



Persian walnut and black walnut are the most important temperate nut grown in India.