Seedless Raisins is involved in providing high quality products, our range of quality Raisins includes Organic Raisins, Seedless Raisins, Golden Raisins and Organic Golden Raisins, is prepared in a clean & hygienic way to meet the relevant quality standards. All our products are packed with good quality packaging material, so that they remain fresh and nutritive. We preserve the Organic Raisins for long time consumption. Our product range includes Golden Raisins, Organic Golden Raisins, mix raisins, bakery raisins, green raisins, seedless grapes, yellow raisins, dark raisins, grapes raisins, seedless raisin. The whole range of Golden Raisins and Organic Golden Raisins is well scrutinized by our experts, so that we can provide best products to our customers. 


Raisins are seedless grapes which are quickly dried to preserve the golden color and fine flavor. The raisins contains 70% of pure fructose and on consumption and provide quick energy. These are fat free source of fiber and antioxidants. These sweetly flavored wrinkle textured raisins are made mainly by sunrying and tray drying. They are also treated with sulfur dioxide to preserve the light color as well as oven-dried to avoid the darkening effect of sunlight. We provide our customers seedless raisins that are the most nutritious dried fruits in the world. These seedless raisins are naturally stable food and resist spoilage due to low pH. These raisins also provide necessary minerals like potassium, calcium, iron and B-vitamins. 

Black Reisins

Features: -

1-Amusing taste
2-Medicinal qualities
3-Available from April to July
4-Available in voluminous am

Brown Reisins


Features: -

1-Available throughout the year
2-High in nutritional value
3-Treated with Ethyloleate and Pottasium Carbonate



Golden Reisins


Some of the features of these raisins are as follows:

1-Extremely fresh.
2-Sweet in taste.
3-Pleasing golden in colour.
4-Fat free.
5-Provide quick energy on consumption.
6-Excellent nutritional value.